The Fort Dupont Ice Arena Board of Directors is proud to announce that the Friends of Fort Dupont (FFD) have raised $1,309,610 -surpassing the dollar amount required to launch the construction of the new two rink facility at their Anacostia site. The District allocated money to replace and expand the only full-size indoor ice rink in the nation’s capital, which serves thousands of DC youngsters a year through free or heavily subsidized on- and off-ice programs. These previously allocated funds can now be spent.
Below is an excerpt from the March 6, 2020 letter FFD Board Chairman Willem Polak sent to DC Mayor
Muriel Bowser, to alert city officials to the organization’s successful fundraising campaign.
“Last year, the District and the Friends of Fort Dupont Ice Arena (FFD) agreed on how to
proceed with the construction of the long-awaited new, two rink arena at our Anacostia
site. When finalized in the District’s Fiscal Year 2020 budget, FFD needed to raise
$1,300,000 to begin the construction phase of the new rink,” Polak wrote. “I am pleased,
and thankful, to confirm that FDIA has now raised $1,309,610 from over 400 supporters
with contributions ranging from $5 to $250,0000! The kids will get their new rink!”
The next steps are with the District: 1) Initiating the solicitation for the construction of the new 2-rink
arena; and, 2) review, with FDIA engagement, the current design to reach a final, in-budget design.
Read our full press release here